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Blog | Kyra Hasman

25 years old
UTeM Alumni
Strategic Marketing Manager
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Busy Woman 'Ever'
Friday, July 6, 2012 | 08:23 | 0 heartsā™„

Duty Roster :)

Busy Woman so much huh?

busy la, tunggu result,
yang portal mcm hape,
tetbe jammed

lepas tu, busy dengan kerja.
saje cari duit lebih.
nak beli iphong katanya. hihihi

saje cari duit lebih,
untuk raya. haha.

mak kata, xpe blajar cari duit skrg,
nt da besar senang ckt.
buat ape pon boleh.

and I'm proud of myself,
up to 21 years,
I know so much things
sbb da pernah kerja dkt 3 tmpt yg blainan.

working at RSSP was really a good experience
and memorable.
sbb the staff sgt baik.

till then, let's go working bebeh :)